Saturday, June 25, 2011

My felt bag

With that ingenious fabric I sourced from Resource rescue - pleather
one side and felt the other, I made an A3 sized bag last night! mass
success. Now I have the capacity to carry my schoolwork, my laptop,
clothes, lunch, small children etc.. and also it's just awesome because
instead of paying $50 or more in kikki k for some designer laptop bag
I made this for 0 dollars - materials and all

Friday, June 24, 2011

so I made this basic dress, to pin shit on..

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Zooey Deschanel singing, and occasionally playing ukulele. What
more could you want. Ahh I just want to cuddle her. In the past day
of listening to the band She & Him I've downloaded Vol. 1 and heard
some cute covers like 'Fools Rush in' and 'Swing low, sweet chariot'.
If you loved her experimental band in Yes Man then you will love She
& him. shit, I think I'm falling in love..

leather letters - what I had for breakfast

Monday, June 20, 2011

La vie en rose

I'm in love with the sweet things that
Marion Cotillard wears in La vie en
rose (2007). Winning an award for
playing Edith Piaf (genius) all I can think
about is that damned cute sailor hat! I
wonder if there's a way to make one..

Sunday, June 19, 2011

what shall I do with allll these green pom poms? I found them
at Resource rescue (from the founder of reverse art); an art dump
of goodies. If interested in crafts, and getting a bag of fun shit
for real cheap go to Bayswater ->

Monday, June 13, 2011


So there's this really beautiful photo of a deer that Timothy took
in Japan. The other day I learned how to embroider, and kind of
(badly) re-created the deer on fabric.
Happy birthday Tmoth

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Everything is beautiful at 58% opacity

Upper Left Arm

UPPER LEFT ARM. OK so these guys are really effing exciting because
I love their shit, it's fresh and classy, and 2. they did the same textile
design course that I'm doing at RMIT. Don't you love hearing shit like
that happen? well I do, and I hope that one day I can be in similar shoes
to Upper Left Arm. I plan on having some kind of business similar to
these guys. Inspirational shit. I'd wear their clothes.

(I'm sure he won't mind) hehe

This is a design that I had to simulate onto a garment for my final outcome
in CAD. It's ah not quite realistic but I'm semi happy - and happy that
Timothy agreed to be in it :D

unfinished/never going to finish

A selfie! with the mouse on my laptop. It was such a laborious
task I'm never attempting it without a tablet again. Unless I never
get a tablet..

I finally coloured her. She's much better this way. Surrounded
by an autumn igloo

my sleeve. textile design makes you take notice of patterns, on everything...